Get Your Groove Back with Liposuction in Beverly Hills

Southern California is known worldwide as a glamorous and exciting place. Beverly Hills is the City of Glam! Attending awards ceremonies, movie premiers, and charity events is a regular occurrence here. We guarantee that most 90210 residents have several tuxes and gowns to throw on at the last minute if needed.  It’s also why the […]

Concerned about Anesthesia? We Offer ‘Awake Liposuction’ in Beverly Hills, CA

Although many of our patients do well under general anesthesia during cosmetic surgery, there are exceptions. Some of our patients have a specific sensitivity to the drugs, or for current health reasons, they cannot use anesthesia. And for some individuals, the idea of being completely “knocked out” is worrisome.  Our Beverly Hills liposuction clinic serves […]

Being a New Parent Is a Joy, but Your Body Might Feel Differently

Voted one of the best places to live in California by, West Lost Angeles is a colorful and very social place to be. Even the most introverted L.A. resident can only stay home so long.  It’s such a fun, eclectic community they will want to get out and explore it. West L.A. is a […]

Being a New Parent Is a Joy, but Your Body Might Feel Differently

Things change when you become a mother, and there’s no turning back. You are responsible for another human being, and time isn’t your own as it used to be. All the mothers we know love their new baby and are proud of being parents. They are also ready to take on the challenges and joys […]

Liposuction Does More Than You Might Think

When people think of liposuction, they might believe it only removes extra fat from the body to make a person look and feel lighter. While that is true, liposuction is also used to help solve other, more embarrassing problems in both men and women. For example, Gynecomastia, which is the enlargement of breast tissue in […]

Our Mommy Makeover Helps Mothers “Bounce Back” With Style!

If you recently had your first child or have been juggling a few children’s schedules for several years you may stop and wonder what happened. Time flies when parenthood comes into play. We manage daily family duties while watching our children move from one milestone to the next. Then there comes a moment when you […]

Ourian Plastic Surgery Announces Content Updates on Liposuction Options in Beverly Hills

Beverly Hills, California – October 16, 2024. Ourian Plastic Surgery, a top-rated cosmetic surgery practice in Beverly Hills, is proud to announce new content on liposuction and body contouring.  The Beverly Hills luxury clinic provides new details on “Awake Liposuction,” a modernized liposuction technique that helps men and women achieve a more sculpted silhouette.  The […]

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